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Cold water is the key to productivity

Something simple you can start doing right now


If you want to be more productive in the mornings, then start with cold water. Drink it and shower in it. Here’s why.


Five Benefits of Drinking Cold Water in the morning


1. Drinking water in the morning re-hydrates you. You’ve just gone 6 - 8 hours with no water. Drinking water replenishes the body and gets it ready to perform. 


Love coffee? No problem. But drink water first. 


2. Water fuels your brain. Look I could cite figures here, but you know your body is mostly made of water. Same goes for your brain. Drink water to keep your brain in optimal condition.


3. Water flushes out toxins. While you’ve been sleeping, your brain has been resting and restoring itself. You could read books about how dreams are a way of processing life’s events. 


Long story short, your brain has been working hard while you’ve been resting. While your brain has been working, it’s created toxins as a byproduct. Water helps flush these out and keeps your brain in good working order. 


4. Drinking water prevents headaches. You may not get headaches a lot, but you know they can wreck your day. Keep your brain hydrated and avoid this common problem.


5. Drinking water helps digestion. Your body slows digestion when you sleep. Drinking water first thing in the morning helps to jumpstart this process. 


Your gut is your second brain. It also communicates directly with your brain to keep you productive. Get ahead of the curve by keeping your gut in good working order. 


Benefits of taking a cold shower


Drinking a glass of cold water is something anyone can do. It’s easy. But let’s be honest, taking a cold shower is a step up. It’s not easy. But that’s precisely why you should start. Cause it’s powerful. Here’s five reasons why.


1. Shock to the system, get over procrastination. You don’t need me telling you that taking a cold shower is hard. Nothing says “I’m serious” than starting out the morning with a cold shower. Already you’ll feel like you’re willing to make big moves and are committed. 



Cold showers separate the winners from the losers.


2. Helps with anxiety. Cold water makes the body produce endorphins. Endorphins make you feel happy and relieve anxiety. Less anxiety means your brain functions better.


3. Strengthens will power. Let’s just put it out there. Taking a cold shower is a boss move. Will power isn’t enough, but it still counts. And when you get in the habit of taking a cold shower, that’s a huge boost to your will power. 



4. Increases energy. The one thing I wish I'd been told when I was younger - when you're old you feel tired. Energy is a big deal. And when you shower in cold water, this stimulates the nerve endings, increases your heart rate, and it energizes you.



5. Helps stress and stimulates the immune system. Evidence shows that when you bathe in cold water, it stimulates the body's immune system. You're more able to fight off infection, and it keeps the body functioning at peak levels.



Drink cold water, take cold showers


The great thing about cold water is that it’s easy and hard, and it's something objective you can do. Anybody can drink a glass of cold water first thing in the morning. Just start doing it. Track your results and see if it helps. 

Obviously, taking a cold shower is a bigger step. It's hard. No bones about it. is something you can just objectively DO. Anybody can just turn the knob to cold and step in the shower. It's not working out. It's not getting up at 4 am. It's something you can almost...force yourself to just do. 


Put yourself out there. Just do it. It’s freaking tough...but it works. If it's too hard, then warm yourself up to it (so to speak). Start with a slightly luke-warm shower, then work yourself backwards until you're actually taking a cold shower. 

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