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How regular exercise explodes your productivity

Not a goal, part of the plan


Exercise is important. 


You know this. Of course you do. 


But are you doing it? Or is it something you’re about to start tomorrow. Or next week?


Everybody knows you need to exercise, but for some entrepreneurs it’s one of the first things to fall by the wayside. 


We’ve all been there. You know exercise is key. Who doesn’t know that? But there comes a time when you’re busy with a project, so you let the workout slip that day thinking it’s nonessential in that moment. Then one day turns into a week, then another week.


And before you know it, you haven’t been to the gym in months. 


Or worse.


Look, I’m not telling you anything you don’t know. This is one of those things that we all know but we don’t all practice. But if you want to be more productive and successful, then you need to understand why exercise is essential.


Not a zero sum game


Exercise is not a zero sum game. 


What do I mean by this? 


If you’re a serious entrepreneur, then that means you have a lot of irons in the fire. Most productive people that I know don’t just have one thing. They’ve got a lot of things, and no matter how you slice it, that means time. 


And when you have a lot of projects in the air, you tend to think of your schedule as a zero sum game. Time spent doing this means less time for doing that. You think that, in a perfect world you’ll do all the important things: work, family, exercise, leisure, etc. 


But when it’s crunch’ll let this one thing slip...because there’s only so much time in the day. “If I work out then I won’t have time to finish this project today and it’s gotta get done!”


Unfortunately, the daily workout is one of those things that gets the axe. You know you’ll get to it once you get this one project done. Once your schedule is ironed out next week. Once you get rid of that project hanging over your head next month. Next year.


But that never happens. Because life happens. And yeah it sounds corny, but there’s no perfect time. There never will be. If you want to be productive and healthy, then you need to realize that there’s never gonna come a time when you have all your ducks in a row. 


So stop waiting for everything to be perfect. 


There’s a truth to that line, “if you want something important done, then give it to a busy person.” Because a busy person doesn’t wait for the right time to get something done, she knows that if something is important, it’s a priority, so it gets done.


That’s how you think about exercise if you want to be more productive. Because exercise isn’t just #lifegoals and important for your health - it’s actually key to being productive in the rest of life.


Exercise and the brain


Apart from the obvious health benefits, exercise is important because of its effect on the brain. 


The brain is the most important part of productivity, and the more that you can keep your brain healthy, the more it will be able to make you successful. 


You already know that exercise releases dopamine and endorphins. These are neurochemicals that make you feel good and make you feel motivated. If you give your brain these neurochemicals on a regular basis, your brain will be more efficient at creating success.


It’s that simple.


More benefits to the brain


But wait, there’s more! Exercise actually stimulates the growth of new connections between cells in your brain. That’s right, your brain’s processing power can increase with regular exercise. 


Honestly, there’s nothing more exciting than learning about the brain’s plasticity and ability to grow stronger. And just by working out on the regular


Schedule it


Commit to exercise if you want to be more productive and successful. For some people that comes easily, but if it’s a struggle for you, then make a conscious commitment. 


Schedule exercise. Put in your calendar (or planner) and don’t shift it around. Treat it like you would a doctor’s appointment or an important lunch meeting. It’s there in your schedule and it can’t be moved. Find a way to work around it. 


There will definitely be a time where it’s hard to keep that commitment, but when you’re consistent with exercise, it’s going to make your brain so efficient that it will produce massive gains in productivity before long. 

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