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How to do more with work sprints

What is a work sprint (and how does it work)?


If there’s one thing that the pandemic taught us, it’s that the normal 9 to 5 work day doesn’t make any sense, at least in terms of productivity. 


If you’ve ever worked an office job, then you know that most of the day isn’t productive. That’s because the real “work” is often mixed up with a lot of other activities that get in the way. In any given work day, there are only a few hours of peak productivity. 


Distractions prevent you from being productive. 


Use that insight to get more done in your own life, even if - or especially - you work for yourself. 


Work sprints


A work sprint is a simple concept. It’s a period of focused activity on one task. Decide on a fixed time to work on a task. Define that task clearly and only work on that one thing. Remove all distractions. Give yourself a fixed period of rest when you’re done. 


That’s it. 


I recommend 50 minutes of focused activity and 10 minutes of rest. Most people can focus for at least 50 minutes, and you can also get something done in that time. But if that doesn’t work for you, feel free to experiment with different periods of time.


Remove ALL distractions


Work sprints help you do more when you focus and reach a flow state. So remove all distractions. 


Shut off your phone. Turn off the internet. Close your tabs. Find a comfortable space where you won’t be interrupted. Get food or drink beforehand (if necessary).  Clean off your work space. If music distracts you - turn it off.


(Some people can work with music and I envy you, but if it distracts you then get rid of it).   


Obviously you should remove all unnecessary distractions. If I stand in line for one moment, then I pull out my phone and start scrolling Twitter. It’s automatic behavior. 


The same thing is going to happen if I’m working and lose focus for a minute. So the phone needs to be off (and the internet, etc.).


But you should also remove all important distractions. 


That means any other work or things that may be important to you, but they aren’t important RIGHT NOW to the thing you’re working on. 


So, if you’re working on an email, then don’t be distracted by a marketing campaign that also needs finishing. Or a new product idea that pops into your head. Or what you plan on cooking for dinner later. 


There will always be other important things that also need to get done, but save those for later or for another work sprint. When you set aside time to work on ONE thing, then work on that thing and that thing only during a work sprint. 


Set clear, definable goals


You want the emotion of accomplishment when you finish a work sprint. So define what success looks like. If it’s a task that can get done in 50 minutes, that’s great. If it’s a longer task, then define some part of it that can still clearly be completed in that time.


Maximize efficiency


When your brain has one goal that is clearly defined, then it will want to achieve that one goal. Distractions and stress impede your brain’s efficiency. That’s why you should plan your work sprints. That way you can put other important tasks out of your mind without worrying about them. 


And when you can focus on only one task in front of you, you’ll get it done faster and better. 

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