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What is the 5-second rule?

Stop waiting till you feel like it


You’ve heard of the 5-minute rule. Here’s the 5-second rule.


This is the 5-second rule: if there’s something you want to do, count to five (backward) and then start. 


That’s it.




That’s why it’s called the 5-second rule. When you want to do something, you have to act NOW.


Hold on




What if I’m not ready?


What if I don’t know how to do it?


What if I don’t quite…feel like it yet?


Doesn’t matter.


If you want to form new habits, then you have to act now. 


It doesn’t matter if you know what you’re doing.


It doesn’t matter if you feel like it.


It doesn’t even matter if you fail.


You have to act. 


Why this works


The 5-second rule sounds dumb. 


You literally just count down and start doing stuff?




Here’s why it works. 


Science shows that it only takes our brains about five seconds to start coming up with reasons not to try something new. Because we don’t like changing our routine. Our brains aren’t really comfortable with new things.


So when we think about trying a new habit, it doesn’t take long for your brain to say, “maybe not right now. Let’s wait a bit.”


You have to act quickly to shock yourself out of this tendency. When you want to form that new habit, you just have to put thoughts into action and make it real. 


Stop giving your brain an excuse.


What if I don’t know what I’m doing?


Stop being afraid of failure.


And I can’t stress this enough. Don’t worry about failure. When it comes to forming new habits, it’s better to try and fail than to keep waiting and never try. 


Because guess what? If you fail, then you can still try again. And eventually, you will get it right. 


There’s nothing wrong with failure, so long as you’re still trying.


Because winners fail. 


Winners fail and they try again.


Losers don’t fail. Because they don’t try.


If you’re trying to change a habit, then you’re probably trying to overcome something big in your life. 


And you’ve put it off and put it off because you’re waiting for that perfect time. 


You’re waiting till you really feel ready.


But guess what? 


You’re never gonna feel ready.


If you’re trying to make real change, then it’s not going to be easy. 


Stop waiting for the perfect time, because it’s never going to come.


When you put thought into action, that will change how your brain works. When you start acting, then your brain stops coming up with excuses and starts figuring out ways to make your plan succeed.


Because at the end of the day, your brain wants to get rid of friction. 


When you THINK about forming a new habit, then your brain will find ways to prevent it, because your brain doesn’t like the stress that comes with new habits.


But when you start ACTING on a new habit, then your brain is going to find a way to make it work. 


You’ll never be ready


Ever try to start a new diet?


It’s Monday after the holidays and you’re stressed from going back to work. You meant to eat healthy today, but there’s a Taco Bell on the way home from work. 


Would it really be a big deal if you started your diet tomorrow instead? 


I heard nacho fries are back. Let’s start tomorrow. Then I’ll really go hard. 


Ever tried to start waking up early? 


Tomorrow I’m going to get up an hour earlier to exercise and meditate. 


But I’m not used to it so I couldn’t fall asleep. Five o’clock comes and I just don’t have the energy. What’s the big deal if I just put it off till tomorrow?


Guess what? 


You’re never going to feel like it. 


Because change is hard. You think you’re the first person who didn’t feel like pulling the covers off and hitting the cold floor while it’s dark out? That’s never gonna be easy the first time.


Acting is simple, but it’s hard. 


It’s simple. Really it is simple. But it is hard, no doubt. 


Five seconds


That’s why, when it comes to habit formation, you just have to start now. 


Habits mean action. So when it comes time to start a new habit, just countdown from five and…start. Right now.


It doesn’t matter if you’re ready.


It doesn’t matter if you feel like it. 


Do it now. 


And yes, if you literally have to count down from five, then do it. 


That’s why I say that it sounds stupid, but it works. 


Because there’s a huge barrier between thinking and acting, and acting is the main ingredient to starting a new habit. 


And I don’t care what it is. I don’t care if you’re trying to build a new door frame and have no idea what you’re doing. 


Just act. 


Nike was right


Just do it.


Just start doing something. Stop waiting. Start doing. 


Sorry to be so blunt. But we all have projects and things that we put on the back burner. Stuff we’ve been thinking about for years. 


You know what I’m talking about. You know those things you’ve put off and rationalized. The excuses you make to yourself and others. 


Ask yourself, what would life be like if I stopped waiting and started trying?

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