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Why imperfect action is better than no action

“Just do it.”


There’s nothing wrong with that simple slogan. Nike made billions out of it. And it works because it’s true. You won’t get anything done until you get off your ass and start doing...something. 


Simple as.


But there’s more to it than that. Simple truths are powerful because they impact everything else. They’re the tiny domino that starts the chain reaction and gets all the dominoes falling. 


Let me explain 3 big reasons for why imperfect action is better than no action.


  1. Action creates opportunities


When you act in the world, you create opportunities. 


Some people might call that serendipity. And you know what? I believe in serendipity, so if that works for you, that’s all you need. 


But action does create opportunities, because it gives your unconscious brain more information to connect the dots to your success. Your unconscious brain will discover ways to get what you need, but you have to give it the information it needs to work.  


Remember, your unconscious works differently than your conscious brain. It doesn’t work on analytical thought or logic. It gathers information from the five senses and works mostly with images because it’s rooted in your physical body’s drive to stay alive. When you act - when you’re doing something to achieve your goal - you give your unconscious the information it just won’t get from the way we normally think and make plans. 


  1. Action helps you correct and audit your vision


Last week I talked all about visualization, and how this is crucial for achieving success. You can’t achieve success if you don’t give your brain a clear picture of what success looks like


When you visualize your goals clearly, your unconscious finds a way to achieve them. It’s not magic, it’s just science. It only feels like magic because it works. 


But you need to be constantly auditing and clarifying that vision that you set for yourself. The way you do that is by...taking action. Every time you act in the real world, you get a clearer picture of what you actually want and what drives you. 


Ideas are always a little unclear. Even the best ones. 


Actions are always clear. Even the worst ones. 


Actions clarify ideas.


  1. Action is an anxiety killer


Let’s just cut to the chase and use the cliches. Paralysis by analysis. Perfection is the enemy of success. Etc., etc.


You want success in life. You have high standards. But those standards can crush us before we even get started, because we don’t act until everything’s ready and in order.


Stop that. That attitude only creates anxiety. And it prevents you from getting stuff done. 


Take action. Do it right now. Cue the Shia Lebouef meme. Just get started. Anxiety is a limiting belief and it’s going to get in your way, so go ahead and kill it now. When you take imperfect action, you might screw up. You might not get it all right on the first try. So what? You’ll do better next time, and you’ll get more done than you will waiting for perfection. 


Most importantly, action helps you discover your ability


I said there were three reasons for why imperfect action is better than no action, but there’s a fourth reason, and it’s the most important of all. 


When you take action, you learn that you actually had the ability to succeed all along. You learn to trust yourself. To trust your unconscious mind. To trust your abilities. 


The more you act, the more you realize that you can do it...and this creates the identity you need to create lasting success.


So take action, even if it’s imperfect. You’ll get more done, and you’ll strengthen the identity that you really want.

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