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Why you should put your phone away before bed

How this helps increase your energy the next day


Phones are an easy target. We all know we’re addicted to them. 


But we don’t like to be reminded of that either. 


We love 'em. We hate 'em.


We know they’re bad. But we’re gonna keep using them.


But…if you can reduce your phone usage during this one crucial time, then you’ll see major improvements in your energy levels and your ability to get stuff done. 


How screen time affects you


Screen time before bed does three main things:


  • It exposes you to harmful blue light
  • It increases your alertness 
  • It reduces your time in REM sleep


Blue light


The screens in our devices emit harmful blue light. This can damage your retinas (which is why it’s important to wear blue light blocking glasses if you look at a screen often). 


Blue light can also suppress your ability to produce melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that promotes deep sleep. When you stare at a screen right before sleep, you’re making it harder for your body to produce what you need to have a good, restorative sleep.


Increases alertness


Checking social media, reading the news, playing a game. All the things that you do on the phone make your brain more alert. 


That’s exactly what you don’t want before drifting off to sleep. 


Obviously this makes sense if you read something that bothers you. The latest post from your obnoxious cousin or a story about some terrible crime happening. 


But anything that engages your brain is going to make you more alert. 


If you have alerts set on your phone through the night - eager to get the latest updates - then this interrupts your rest even more. 


Less REM sleep


REM sleep is crucial for the brain’s restoration. It’s directly tied to your brain’s creative and problem solving ability. Without enough REM sleep your brain won’t be as productive the next day.


Staring at blue light right before you go to bed prevents your brain from being able to enter sleep faster and keeps you from having deep, restorative sleep.


What should you do?


For the best results avoid all screens for at least one hour before bed. If that seems too hard to do at first, then commit to at least 30 minutes of no screen time before bed. 


We tend to glance at our phones out of habit before going to bed. Setting an alarm for an hour or half an hour before your normal bedtime is a good way to remind yourself. Do all the things that need to be done on your phone, and then set it down until tomorrow.


Hard habit to break


A lot of us love checking the phone in bed. Honestly, this is a hard one to do. I get it. But commit to trying it for at least one week.


Once you experience the type of rest you’re able to achieve, then you’ll see the incredible amount you’ll be able to get done. All from just doing this one small thing.

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