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Why every entrepreneur should delegate

Mar 29, 2022

You’re worth more than minimum wage. So why are you still running every part of your business when you can hire others and help it grow?

Delegation is crucial to business success


Do you avoid one of the biggest steps to success?


For many would-be entrepreneurs, delegating is that step. 


To succeed your business has to grow. That creates more everyday work which prevents you from giving your time and energy to the big decisions that drive growth. 


That doesn’t mean those everyday tasks aren’t important, but if you try to do everything, it slows you down. 


It’s a paradox - with more success, you get less productive. 


But that doesn’t work. And that’s why delegating is necessary if you want to win. 


If you’re nervous about taking that leap in your business, then you’re not alone. Here’s why you need to get over your fears and why it’s important.



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