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The 5 Minute Rule

Jul 13, 2021

A stress free way to get through hard tasks


This is a great rule for perfectionists, and it’s another way to deal with procrastination. 


If you have a task that you don’t want to do, just commit to working on it for five minutes. If you’re procrastinating for whatever reason - whether it’s just something you don’t like doing or you don’t know how to start. Commit to at least five minutes of work.


Here’s the thing. Zero guilt if you don’t want to continue after five minutes. Just commit to five minutes. That’s it. 


Zero guilt


If the inertia is enough to get you over the hump, then keep going and get it done. If the task is still causing frustration for whatever reason, walk away.


This is a simple, low-stress habit hack that can help you leap the hurdles that get in the way of important tasks. 


For this to work, commit to the concept. If you’re not feeling it...

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How to overcome procrastination

Apr 13, 2021

This is a series of posts focused on different habit hacks.

Look, I know everyone talks about hacks, I get it. But these are simple habits that you can put into place today that will help you become more productive and achieve your goals. So, I figured, why not just call them habit hacks? 

So let’s start with a big to overcome procrastination.


This one is so easy, there’s only one step involved: 



To overcome procrastination, let yourself procrastinate.



That's it. Seriously. 



Let yourself procrastinate, and you’ll overcome procrastination. The key here is to overcome procrastination. Not stop it. Not beat it. Overcome it. Put it to work for you. When you do that - you’ll get more done.



You could stop reading right here, take this advice, and start being more productive. 



But after I explain why this works, you’ll be able to apply this knowledge to...

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