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3 ways to rethink how to be consistent

Learn the power of structure and consistency

Creating structure in your routines and being consistent is one of the best ways to get more done.


Everybody knows this but not everybody knows how to think about structure and consistency in the right way. Learn how to think about structure the right way, so you can actually create consistency in your own life.


Here are three ways to think about creating structure and consistency in your life:


  1. Structure doesn’t have to be boring. In fact it’s the opposite. 


  1. Structure isn’t forcing yourself to do anything. Instead, it puts you in control


  1. Structure takes away anxiety and gives your brain more energy to do things


#1 Following a plan is fun (really)!


Have you ever read a story to a child? They get all excited when stuff happens. Kids laugh at the funny parts. And they think it’s a blast when you use a bunch of goofy voices and act out the different characters.


And then what happens? 


They want to hear the story again. And then the next night they want to hear the same story again. And the next night. And again and again. Kids get a kick out of hearing the same story over and over, especially one they like. If you don’t believe me, wait till the next Disney movie comes out and see how long it takes until you can’t stand to hear “Let it Go” (or whatever new song) one. more. lousy. time.


Kids don’t care if they already know how a story goes. In fact, they actually enjoy hearing or watching an old story, as long as it’s one that they like. They know what’s coming, and yet they still get a thrill out of that anticipation that the monster is going to jump out on the next page or that a big explosion is coming. For that matter, how many times have you fired up Netflix determined to watch something new and only found yourself watching an episode of the Office that you’ve seen a million times? what’s my point? 


We think structure and consistency can be boring. We think that it limits us. We like what’s shiny and new. Don’t get me wrong, spontaneity is good. But if you’re spontaneous all the time, you get nothing done, and eventually you’ll be miserable. 


If you want to enjoy your work, then get over your prejudice about planning and structure. Structure sets you free to engage yourself. Just like the mind of a child that is totally absorbed in doing what it enjoys, if your work is something that you like doing, then routine and structure takes everything off your plate and helps stay engaged. 


And when you’re engaged you’re more productive and you enjoy yourself more. 


#2 Structure isn’t forcing yourself


You might object that planning out your routine and sticking to it is forcing yourself to do something. Doesn’t this go against what the Identity Factor is all about? Haven’t I said that you can’t change a habit by willpower alone?


It’s true that willpower isn't enough to change habits. But in this case, creating structure and being consistent isn’t about forcing yourself to do anything, it’s about putting you in control. 


While the Identity Factor focuses a lot on how to unleash the power of your subconscious mind, your conscious mind still plays a role. That’s because the Identity Factor is based on the whole person. After all, it’s about creating change on the level of IDENTITY.


You create a plan based on a habit and goals that you want to achieve. Consistency is about following through on that plan- on that goal that you’ve identified as important to you. 


Then what happens? Maybe a few days later, after some effort and results, all of a sudden you find that you’re just...not in the mood. Or there’s something else you’d rather do today. Or you just feel too lazy to do what you should do.


Has this ever happened to you?


Have you ever decided to get serious about diet and exercise, and then one day that pizza just smelled too good to pass up or your bed was just too warm and you didn’t want to get up to go jogging? Have you ever made a budget to save money, started making real progress and then saw a pair of shoes that you just “had to” have?


You can’t control your mood. And you can’t control how your body always feels. But you can control how you respond to it. 


When you’re inconsistent in following your goals, who is really in control? You or your instincts?


When you make a plan that is based on the goals that you want to achieve, then following that plan isn’t the same thing as “forcing yourself.” Not at all. It’s putting you in control of your life instead of your instincts and feelings. Routine and structure helps you to stay honest to what you have identified as important in your life.


Remember visualization is key


Structure also demonstrates the power of visualization and the need to audit your goals. And it helps you reconfigure the path to get there. If you’re not consistent with the goals you’ve set for yourself, first ask yourself if that plan or goal is truly what you want. If it is, then you need to figure out what is preventing you from establishing it. 


If you’re not getting out of bed in the morning, because the bed feels so warm, then visualize what will change that. Could it be as simple as moving the alarm clock so you have to get out of bed to turn it off? Or do you need more than that?


A friend of mine could not make himself roll out of bed in the morning. But he wanted to create the goal of being productive early every morning. How to do that when none of his efforts seemed to be working? His love of coffee was how he achieved it.


He loves the first cup of coffee that he gets to have each day. For him, the thought of the first cup of coffee is enough to get out of bed. But he’s also kind of lazy (his words)!  So he actually grinds the beans and gets everything set up the night before. That way when he’s tempted to sleep in, he knows that he only needs very little effort (just push a button) to get to that first cup of coffee. 


Once he visualized that plan and put it in place, he was able to create a routine of getting up early every day.


#3 Get rid of anxiety and free your mind


There’s a reason why you find ritual and routine everywhere in life, from religious worship to military funerals to holidays. Rituals put people at ease. Rituals keep the mind from focusing on “what’s next?” and let you focus on the moment. 


Because of this, routines are a key way to get rid of anxiety. When you’re consistent and stick with a routine that you’ve identified as the best means of achieving your goal, then this takes the pressure off of your brain when it comes to all of those little decisions that we pour our energy into throughout the day. What should I do next? What task is important to work on now? How should I go about my day? 


It doesn’t sound like much, but it adds up. Remember that the Identity Factor is about getting rid of anxiety and all those things that create unnecessary friction in your day. That frees up your brain’s energy, so that your subconscious can focus on doing what it’s evolved to do - make you successful and keep you happy. 


By now everyone’s heard about how some of the most famous entrepreneurs wear the same clothes all the time. Whether that’s completely true or not, the point still stands - less time and energy spent on details equals more time and energy on being creative and productive. Simple as. 


Look, maybe you don’t want to dress like Mark Zuckerberg every day. Or you don’t want to eat the same meal all the time. I’m not saying you should turn everything into a routine. Variety is great! 


But...the point stands that when you’re trying to be productive and create lasting habits, it’s going to help you achieve success if you use the power of routine and structure to help you master consistency. 


That way, when you look back three months from now...or a year from now...or however long, you won’t have all those regrets about “what would have been” if you’d only stuck to the plan. Instead you’ll be able to see how your efforts have paid off and how much success is possible by just creating consistency and structure in all of your goals.

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