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Get productive with the Ivy Lee method

The grandfather of productivity hacks

Here’s a simple thing you can do to increase your productivity. 


  • Take 15 minutes at the end of the day


  • Think of the 6 most important tasks you need to do tomorrow


  • Write them down in the order of importance 


  • The next day work on each task in that order and don't move on until each task is completed 


  • Unfinished tasks receive top priority the next day


Rinse. Repeat.  


This will make your productivity soar. It's not sexy. It may not be all that interesting. 


But it works. 


There’s nothing for you to “buy into.”  You’ll just see the results when it does.


How do I know it works?


Because it has for over 100 years. 


It’s called the Ivy Lee Method, and it was created by a man named Ivy Lee in 1918. (His full name was Ivy Ledbetter Lee, which is a pretty badass middle name if you ask me).


Charles Schwab, the president of Bethlehem Steel, had asked Lee to help him increase efficiency. This was the method that Lee taught Schwab’s managers, and for which Schwab paid the hefty sum (at the time) of $25,000.


It was simple advice, but Schwab paid him $25,000 because it worked. 


The Ivy Lee method. It’s simple. It’s actionable. It works. You can start trying this tonight!


Why does it work? There are a number of reasons, and they’re all consistent with the other core principles that I’ve discussed with the Identity Factor. 




The Ivy Lee method is simple. Anyone can understand it and put it into practice today, right now. And simple means that your brain needs to spend less energy putting this method into place. So it leaves your brain with more energy to help you succeed. 

For what it's worth, I advise you make it even simpler and focus on 3 tasks every day. (The original idea called for 6). But do what works for you. 


Overcome resistance


When you’ve already got your plan mapped out for you, it’s easier to get to work. 


Remember the Identity Factor is based on removing anxiety and other negative thought patterns so that your brain can be more efficient. Not knowing how you’re going to begin your workday is a source of anxiety that only makes starting work harder. It may not seem like it, but that anxiety exists at the level of your subconscious. With this method that’s already out of the way before you begin.


Planning your day out beforehand takes the stress of decision making away.




With the Ivy Lee method, you should order things in order of importance. Then get them done in that order. Only start on the next task when you are done with the first.  Single-tasking helps your brain focus, and with each task completed, there will be less anxiety to distract you. This is very similar to time-blocking which I talk about here.


It’s key that you pick tasks that can be completed in a set amount of time. If you have one big thing to work on, then break it down into different steps. Just remember to start with the most important one.


Visualization and self-auditing


The Ivy Lee method is a natural fit for visualization. When you plan out the six things you need to do the next day, visualize the various steps you need to complete these tasks. I talked about the importance of visualization here, but the key thing to remember is that visualization is the language of the subconscious, which is the engine that gets things done. 


TLDR - make sure visualization is a part of the planning process. It’s that important. 


But planning is also part of the auditing process. Why? Because this method works when you pick tasks you can complete in a set amount of time. So you’ll need to consistently evaluate the type of tasks you give yourself, and the level of priority you assign to them. Remember that your subconscious is going to work best when you consistently reevaluate the message that you’re feeding it with your conscious mind

Good energy


This is cool, because it helps you plan when you’re in a positive frame of mind and excited about the goals and the means it takes to get there. We all get excited about the prospect of some new goal or change in our lives. But let’s face it, when you wake up in the morning and it’s time to get to work on that important thing, sometimes it takes a minute for those juices to start flowing. 


You don’t want to be casting your personal vision for your projects if you’re in a more resistant or lazy frame of mind. You want to put plans together when you’re excited and feeling the potential. 


You want positive energy fueling your subconscious. This is how you do it.


This sounds a lot like…


The Ivy Lee method sounds a lot like ideas I’ve talked about on the Identity Factor. Time-blocking, visualization, the importance of removing anxiety, and the need for consistency and structure


You might be tempted to ask, “what’s so special about this method then?”


Simply put, it’s something that works. I’m not trying to come up with something new or unheard of on the Identity Factor - I’m only interested in what helps you. Because of that I’ve researched a ton of science and new ideas, but...I’m also interested in old ideas. Especially simple, actionable ideas that help people create lasting habits. This is one of them. Try it out.


The Ivy Lee method confirms everything else that I’ve been saying about how the brain works. Your subconscious will be more efficient and you will get more done when you clear all the unnecessary anxiety and stress from your brain. Plus, you’ll feel better, which is always a plus. 

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