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How binaural beats help you get more done

Sleep better and be more productive


Some things are simple. Sleep is one of those things. 


When you get good sleep - and enough of it - then you’ll improve your ability to get things done. Not to mention you’ll also be happier and healthier too. Because who doesn’t like to sleep?


But in terms of habit hacks, sleep is an easy way to improve your habits and be more effective in reaching your goals. 


If you want to improve your sleep, play binaural beats while you’re sleeping. (I’ve already talked about the importance of avoiding blue light and screens before sleeping here). 


What are binaural beats?


A binaural beat is a tone your brain produces when you hear two different tones in each ear. 


If you hear a tone at 100 Hertz (Hz) in your left ear and a tone of 120 Hz in your right ear, then your brain will make up the difference and “produce” a tone of 10 Hz. 


Your brain basically processes the difference between two tones or frequencies and produces the frequency that you hear.


Needless to say, it requires headphones.


Why do binaural beats work?


Binaural beats synchronize your brain and increase the strength of brain waves that are more conducive to certain types of activity. 


Certain frequencies can improve sleep, meditation, or even focus when you’re active and engaged on a task. 


But for your sleep, you’re more interested in binaural beats in what’s called the delta pattern. These are binaural beats in the range of 0.5-4Hz.


Delta frequencies help promote deep sleep, and when you’re able to achieve deep sleep, your brain is more rested and able to effectively perform the next day.


The benefits of binaural beats


Lower frequency equals lower arousal. Delta waves are the lowest frequency tone and allow your brain to settle into a relaxed state which promotes deep sleep.


Binaural beats also help to reduce anxiety. Anxiety is one of the main factors that prevent your brain from being as productive as it can be. You’ve probably noticed by now that almost all habit hacks address the issue of anxiety. 


Anxiety is - in a nutshell - an unnecessary drain on your brain’s energy. Your brain is a physical thing and therefore has a limited amount of energy to deal with what you throw at it. 


The more you reduce anxiety, the less energy your brain has to spend fighting it, and the more energy you have to get stuff done. 


The great thing about binaural beats is that it’s an easy, passive way to put your brain in a natural state that just drains anxiety away. 


When you’re able to put yourself in a more relaxed state, then your brain is able to sleep…better.


That may sound weird. We tend to think of sleep as just sleep. That thing that happens after we lay down and before we wake up in the morning. But we’ve all experienced days when we just feel more restful. 


And we’ve also experienced days when we just didn’t seem to sleep right. 


The point is sleep matters. Not all sleep is equal. It’s one of the most neglected parts of our health, and honestly, it’s also one of the easiest to fix. 


There’s a lot that goes into getting a good night’s sleep, but trying this method is probably one of the easiest ways to help yourself achieve deep, restful sleep. That will make you feel better and more energetic in the morning. 


And let’s be real. The older you get, the more you want energy. We all want to do more and how much just comes down to just not feeling like it because of energy?


Energy comes from diet and exercise and a million different things, but if you can do one simple thing to improve your energy…well then you’d try it, right? 


This is that easy thing.


Here’s some science for you


Exposure to binaural beats is linked to changes in three important hormones that help the brain function: DHEA, cortisol, and melatonin.


Hormones are your body’s chemical messengers. They’re a way for your body and your brain to communicate. Hormones stimulate your body's functions.


DHEA is kind of a master hormone. It’s linked to your immune system and fights disease. DHEA also limits the production of cortisol, which lowers arousal and alertness. In short, the more DHEA is in control, the more relaxed you’ll be. 


Cortisol is linked to alertness and arousal. You ever had insomnia? Cortisol is a major factor in what keeps you awake, even when you don’t want to be or need to be. Listening to binaural beats is associated with lowered amounts of cortisol.


Chances are you’ve heard of melatonin. It’s associated with relaxation and deeper sleep. People take melatonin to help them sleep. Studies show that people who listen to binaural beats before sleep produce up to 73 percent more melatonin in their brains. 


All of these hormones are obviously related, but they all say the same thing. Binaural beats produce brain waves, which regulate your body’s hormones to help you achieve deep, restful sleep. 


And when you sleep better, you have more energy the next day. More energy means you get more done. 


How to use binaural beats?


It’s simple. You need a pair of headphones. Check out iTunes or Spotify and look for binaural beats playlists that produce delta waves. 


Remember that delta waves produce frequencies in the 0.5-4Hz range. 


Then all you need to do is just pop them into your ear as you fall asleep. 


Now the effects aren’t going to be immediate. Just like any habit, you need to give this four to six weeks. But after listening to binaural beats when you sleep, you’ll soon see that you wake up more rested, more full of energy, and more able to get things done. 

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