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What is the Be - Do - Have model?

How your identity drives your habits


I want to share with you something that has transformed my life and tons of others.


It’s called the Be - Do - Have model.


Ready to transform your life? 


Focus on who you are first and who you want to be BEFORE you start thinking about what you want and how to form habits.

You’re not going to have the success you want until you become the person that has that success. It’s all about identity. 




How does this happen? How can you shift perspective to your identity?

Sounds hard.

But it’s not. Because if you have a goal in mind - something that you want or a habit you want to form - then you already have a corresponding identity attached to it. 

You just haven’t made yourself aware of it. 

When you think about getting up every morning to work out at the gym. Hit the pool. Lift some weights. You’re already imagining that person you want to be. 

A person who’s in shape. Defined muscles. Disciplined.

And you’re already imagining how people will respond to you when you hit that goal. How they’ll see you and how that will make you feel.

When you think about setting new goals for your business. Bringing more money in. Buying the things you want for you and your family. Getting the freedom that more money brings. 

You’re already imagining the person that achieves those goals. A person who is confident. Who gets things done. 

You want to be that person.

When we think about new habits that we want and how we want to change ourselves, we always have an image of who that person is. 

But the problem is, we keep it in the background and aren’t always aware of it. So that identity doesn’t truly drive our behavior. 

Instead, we act from the perspective of our old identity and who we are now.

Then when we try to change our habits through willpower alone, it doesn’t work. And we tell ourselves, “I could never really be that person anyway.”


Willpower isn’t enough


Many think about change the wrong way. They think about what they want and the habits they need to get it.

Then they focus solely on habit formation through willpower. They make a plan and stick with it for a little while, but it’s hard to make change permanent this way.

Habits are a key component of change, but if you’re trying to fix your habits before you fix your identity, then you’re doing it in reverse.

And it won’t work. 

You’ve learned about the role that beliefs play in habit formation earlier. If you want to change habits, then you need to examine your beliefs first. 

This is the basis of the Be - Do - Have model.

What are the habits you’ve been thinking of changing? Think about them in detail. What will life be like when you have those habits? What will you be like? 

This is where visualization comes in.

Once you’ve identified clearly what it is that you want, identify the person who has those goals.

Picture yourself as that person in your mind. Shift your perspective to that identity. You have to operate from that identity to achieve your goals.

You must be that person in your mind - from the very beginning - if you want to make change that lasts.


Mental habits


Let me be clear. This isn’t the law of attraction. It isn’t manifesting. This isn’t some simple trick where you picture it in your head and it magically happens.

You still need to work. To make an effort. To be consistent in your actions.

You have to act if you want to achieve anything. 

But you have to act from the perspective of the identity you want. You have to already BE that person in your mind. 

Otherwise, you’re only trying to prove yourself, both to yourself and to others. And doing that leads to failure.

Be the successful person you want now + action = lasting success.

Work with Anthony and hit the rocket fuel 🚀button on your success!

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