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Mind dumps - an easy way to get stuff done

Apr 13, 2021

What are Mind Dumps?

Good ideas are simple, counterintuitive, and link to other good ideas.


The concept of mind dumps fits all criteria. For example it’s another easy way to overcome procrastination. Plus, it’s easy to do. 


Mind dumps are easy...give it a try


A mind dump is where you take your ideas and put them on paper. 


Anybody can do it. But why does it work?


It works because it lets you get all of your thoughts and emotions out on paper (or a word doc, whatever works). Write down everything. Write down your plans and all that you consider actionable. But also write down all of your thoughts and worries and concerns. Once everything is on paper, it frees your mind to work more effectively. 


And it works with everything. Let’s say you have an idea for a new marketing plan for your business. Or you want to start getting healthier. You want to get started on a goal, but you’re not sure where to get...

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