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Say this when bad habits tempt

"You’re not that guy."


When you find yourself tempted to fall into an old habit, one that you want to change, you MUST remind yourself that you’re not that person.


You’re not that woman. You’re not that man. Not anymore.


Tell yourself this consistently and consciously to stop a bad habit.


Habits must form on the level of your identity.


This is the Be - Do - Have model. You can read more about it here. 


You act out your identity. 


Your actions are a direct result of how you perceive yourself and how you think others perceive you.


This takes place on BOTH the conscious and the subconscious level.


You’re not happy when your actions are out of line with your identity.


And your brain wants to make you happy.


That’s why your brain will seek out habits that are in line with your identity.


Ever notice that you rationalize bad habits? Or that you find some comfort in them?


That’s just your brain reducing tension when you give in to a bad habit.


Your brain can’t handle the thought that your identity is different from your actions. 


So when you fall back into an old habit - one you’ve been trying to avoid - your brain tells you subconsciously, “this is who I really am.”


That’s why you have to tell yourself, “I’m not that person.”


I’m not the man that does this. I don’t sleep in. I don’t keep hitting snooze. 


I’m the active man who sticks to it and gets out of bed.


I’m not that woman. I’m not the person who smokes. 


I’m the woman who takes her health seriously and controls herself.


Whatever that old habit is, you’re not that person anymore.


You have to tell yourself this. Intentionally and consciously. 


Say it aloud if you have to. 


“I’m not that guy anymore.”


(Just not out loud in public)!


It sounds simple. It sounds a little silly.


But if you want to make new habits stick, then you have to keep your identity in line with your actions.


Will you slip up every now and again? Will you fail sometimes?




Every success is paved with failure. 


What matters is if you keep going and refuse to give in.


When you consciously train yourself around your new identity, your new habits will win in the end. 


Yes - I said, “train yourself.”


Because your old habits were formed over time in your brain, and new habits require persistent and consistent training.


When you consciously assert your identity, your subconscious will respond with the new desired habit.


Try it


Don’t think it will work?


Just try it. 


Target the old habit you don’t want anymore. 


When you experience the temptation to give in to the habit, say “I’m not that person anymore.”


“I don’t eat junk food every day.”


“I don’t say yes to every request.”


“I don’t avoid hard tasks.”


Try it for two weeks. Everyday.


After two weeks, when you see how much this helps you with one habit, start applying it to other areas of your life. 


This simple phrase can realign your identity with your desired habit.


And when you’re ready for explosive change in your life, I can help you put together a strategy for improving your habits in every area of your life. Professional. Financial. Personal.


Stop waiting for your life to get better and take action. Set up a free consultation…today.

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