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Self-care is about productivity

Mar 22, 2022

Take care of yourself and do more


Self-care is important. Self-care matters.


Take care of yourself and be more productive.


You want results. 


When you’re focused on results you think about action and what you can do. 


Nothing wrong with this.


But when you focus too much on action and neglect self-care, you take away your ability to be more productive.


Remember that removing anxiety is one of the key ways to make your brain more efficient. When you take away anxiety, your brain is better at achieving your goals. 


Focus too much on “always doing” without taking care of yourself and you create anxiety.


And that’s bad. 


Be productive. Be active. But don’t forget to take care of yourself. 


“Process, not goals.” 


Be process-oriented, not goal-oriented. 


Don’t be so focused on goals that you forget the process. If you...

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